Single in Basel? Easy Ways to Meet Someone Special

There are lots of ways to meet new people when you move to Basel, Switzerland
There are plenty of great ways to meet people in Basel!

Moving to Basel, Switzerland is going to be an exciting adventure for you, but it will also pose some challenges. If you are single in Basel, one of those challenges is meeting someone special. If you want to start a relationship, either casual or serious, you’re going to have to put yourself out there.

You can do this the traditional way, by going out and talking to people, taking part in social or sports clubs and activities, or hanging out at places where you might meet interesting potential partners.  Alternatively, you might go the internet route, where there are different websites available (some options discussed below) that can put you in contact with a person with similar attitudes, tastes and ideas. To maximize your chances of meeting the right person in Basel, you should try both the face-to-face approach and internet dating.

Basel is an excellent place for singles for several reasons:

  1. The city is large enough that there is always something interesting going on. You don’t always have to see the same people time and time again. Go to different places and you’ll meet different people
  2. The city is small enough, that if you meet someone interesting, and want to run into them again, you probably will. Many people are territorial, frequenting their same favorite places repeatedly. Spend enough time at the place you met someone, you’ll be likely to run into them again.
  3. As an expat, you’ll probably have the advantage of the ‘foreigner effect’. You’ll likely have a different background, traditions, and customs than many of the people you meet when dating. This gives you something to talk about when you meet someone, and gives you an appealing, exotic quality.
  4. There are always lots of new and interesting people moving to Basel, Switzerland on a regular basis, so you have a steady stream of potential new dating options.

Meeting Someone in Basel, Switzerland: The traditional way

You can go the traditional route, or online
Finding a love interest in Basel, Switzerland can be simple.

Depending on what your interests are, there are a wealth of bars, restaurants and clubs in Basel, where you can meet someone. I’m not going to give you a list of places to go, as I don’t know what you like to do, but there are a few things you can do to optimize your chances of meeting someone:

  • Whatever you look like, make sure you’ve made the most of what you have, and look your best.
  • Be sure your personal hygiene is up to snuff. Make sure to shower and if you’re using perfume or cologne, don’t use too much!
  • Be outgoing, friendly, and above all confident.
  • Go to events that encourage personal interaction, especially with strangers. Going to the movies is an unlikely place to find someone new to talk to!
  • It’s a good idea to showcase your special skills if you have any. If you’re a great actor, join a theater group. If you’re a fantastic singer, go to a karaoke night or join a choir. 

There is also your workplace to meet potential partners, but be careful here! Dating someone you work with, especially if you see them on a day-to-day basis, can be a strain on the relationship as well as being a very uncomfortable situation, if things go sour!

Meeting Someone in Basel, Switzerland: Online Dating

Online dating in Basel, Switzerland
Online dating in Basel is easy, and generally free to sign up for.

As people’s lifestyles become increasingly hectic, online dating makes more and more sense, and has lost any stigma associated with it over the last decade. I’m sure most of us know at least one couple who have met online. Whether or not you think dating online is for you, it’s like online shopping. It doesn’t cost you anything to sign up and ‘shop’ for a partner.

If you plan to go the online route, there are several options available in Basel, depending mainly upon what languages you speak, and what you want out of your relationship. There is no charge to do the initial registration and see if you can make a connection, so its best to apply to register with as many as you want to for free and then pick one or two that you might want to get a full membership to, depending on the interfaces, the people and connections you find, and the overall feeling you get from the sites…

Parship is the best online dating site for English-speaking expats living in Basel, in my opinion. The site has a large number of members and sign-up is free; that way you get to look around before you decide to go any further. You need to complete a personality test, which really helps to find compatible partners and to weed out the duds. Parship uses algorithms to help you, as a unique person, find meaningful relationships with others from all walks of life, based on key compatibility factors. - Die Online-Partneragentur

ElitePartner: Are you an educated, professional looking for a long-term relationship, that would like to meet others in the same situation?  Then you really need ElitePartner. The majority of ElitePartners members are university-educated, with an open and passionate approach to life.  The ElitePartner algorithms are designed to find long-term compatibility, and according to user surveys, over 40% of ElitePartner members with a premium membership will find a life partner through the site! The initial registration is free, and then you can decide later if you want to upgrade to a premium membership.

Looking for a same-sex relationship? If you’re part the gay and lesbian community and are interested in finding a same-sex relationship, there are specialized websites that focus on finding you the perfect partner. One of these is gayParship, an online dating website that sports a whopping 38% success rate of premium members finding the right partner for them!

I don’t want a relationship, just a fling!: The sites listed above are for people who are looking for a relationship that will (hopefully) be long-term.  What if you’re not ready for that kind of commitment? Perhaps the idea of one sexual partner bores you, or you’re in a difficult part of your life and don’t want anything too serious. Or maybe you just don’t have the time for a committed relationship. There are also online dating websites for both women and men looking for something more casual. Try the website if you want find a partner a casual encounter. With 850,000 members looking for uncomplicated dates and erotic encounters, you stand a pretty good chance of finding someone that suits your needs. The site prides itself on being safe and anonymous; its not available in English, but translates well in most web-browsers. 

There are other dating sites that operate in Basel, Switzerland or across Europe (remember France and Germany are just a short way off), so be sure to look around to find something that works for your particular tastes.

Regarding online dating, it’s important to be truthful in your profile, otherwise any connections you make are very likely to fail. Here are some things to keep in mind when dating online:

  • Post an accurate (but flattering), recent photograph. You don’t want anyone to be disappointed when seeing you in person
  • Leave some mystery. The most successful online daters are those who keep their profiles small, but impactful
  • Don’t make yourself out to be something you’re not. If you’re not funny, don’t say you are. If you don’t like the outdoors, don’t say you do. You get the point!

Once you do find someone who tickles your fancy, there are lots of great places to go to in Basel and things to do. But that’s a post for another day! Good luck finding someone in special to share your life in Basel!

If you have a good story or advice on meeting someone in Basel, tell us in the comment box below!

Are you in Zurich? Then try the Single in Zurich website!

The Moving to Basel eBook – A New Resource for People Moving to or Living in Basel

Hi Everyone!

ebook cover

I hope you’re enjoying the site so far and have found some of the information handy! I’ve been getting a lot of emails and questions asking more specific questions. I was talking to a friend and he mentioned that people aren’t necessarily online all the time, and that I should create something that people can use both when they’re connected or offline.

After some thought and research, I decided that I could do this best using an e-book format. So I wrote a book all about moving to Basel! I researched for ages, wrote a lot of new material, reorganized the articles already on the site and created an information packed document to be a comprehensive, stand-alone resource that you can own and use both online and offline.

The Moving to Basel eBook has brand new chapters not available on the Life in Basel website:

Getting Around Basel

  • Riding Your Bicycle in Basel – Not as simple as it sounds and you can get  fined and your car license revoked if you do it wrong!!
  • Driving in Basel – What you need to do to drive in Basel and where you can find drivers training..
  • Being a Pedestrian in Basel – It sounds simple but in Basel there are rules!

Day-to-Day Living in Basel

  • Grocery Shopping in Basel – Shops, loyalty cards and for those to busy to shop, grocery delivery services in Basel!
  • Shopping in Basel and Across the Border – Shopping centers and how to get your taxes back if you shop in Germany or France!
  • Practicing your Religion in Basel – Places of worship and religious organizations in the city for all faiths.

Culture in Basel

  • Museums in Basel – Basel has more museums than you can imagine; this is a guide to most of the local ones…
  • Live Music in Basel – There are so many different live music venues in Basel, you need help to find what you like!
  • Theater and Dance Performances in Basel – Where can you see plays, musicals and other performances? Loads of places…

Fun in Basel

  • Dining out in Basel – An extensive guide to over 45 Basel restaurants for anything you’re in the mood for, whether its a casual meal or something really special…
  • Drinks in Basel – Feeling thirsty? The places in Basel with the best cocktails, wines and beers!
  • Cool Things to do in Basel – In the spring, summer, fall and winter…

Sports in Basel

  • Playing Sports in Basel – Gyms, sports clubs and equipment for the athletic types
  • Watching Sports in Basel – Where to see live or televised sporting events in the city

Pets in Basel

  • Bringing your Pets to Basel – What you need to know about vaccinations, microchips and registration if you plan to bring a pet…
  • Flying your Animals to Basel – Transport regulations for cages and shipping your animals.
  • Owning a Dog in Basel – Owning a dog in Basel might be more complicated than in your home country! This is what you need to know!

Bad things in Basel

  • Crime in Basel – Basel isn’t a perfect place. You need to be careful of crimes and might want to avoid some places…
  • Drugs in Basel – Basel has it’s share of junkies, and drug users; this will tell you about how to navigate the city safely.
  • Other Negative Aspects of  Basel – Discrimination, prostitution, incessant construction are all discussed in this section.

Work and School

  • Companies in Basel and the surrounding area – Links to company websites in the banking, pharma, medical, fashion and other industries.
  • Paycheck Deductions – Think you know your monthly salary? See where your money goes to, and what this is for…
  • Going to University in Basel – Basel has an excellent university. This section gives an overview of the different programs available.
  • Masters and Doctoral Degrees at UniBasel – Looking for an advanced degree? This is what Basel has to offer!

Each new topic is covered in as much detail as on the website. I’ve also included a short English to Swiss German phrase book to help get you started on you Swiss-German!

I really want you to try the book, so to encourage you, I’m offering a 60-day money back guarantee!  Buy it, try it, and if you’re not entirely satisfied, I’ll refund your money. Just like that. The book is only 11.99 USD to start with so your risk is minimal.

It’s also got all the content from the website, so you can refer to it, even when you don’t have access to the internet. Keep a copy on your tablet or smartphone so you have it at your fingertips whenever you need it.ebook cover 2

  • Getting a Job in Basel
  • Registering with the Canton
  • Health Insurance
  • Getting Sick in Basel
  • Finding an Apartment in Basel
  • Furnishing your Basel Apartment
  • Setting up internet, TV and telephone
  • Sending your Children to School in Basel
  • Using the Trams in Basel
  • Setting up a Bank Account
  • Taxes in Basel
  • Garbage and Recycling in Basel
  • Keeping in Touch with Home
  • Being Single in Basel
  • Going to the Movies in Basel

For those of you who have been enjoying the Life in Basel site, I hope the website has been helpful for you! Please try the eBook; your purchase will also help to support further new posts on the site, in the future.  I’ll also put you on my list for when I update the book and it’s links in future editions, so you’re always up to date! And if you don’t think it’s worth it, you can return it for a full refund.

For those of you who have just stumbled across this page while trying to get their questions on Moving to Basel answered, surf around the site and see if you like the information provided on the website, and the format its in. If you think its useful and informative, then try the book. I think you’ll be pleased! If you buy it and don’t like it, I’ll refund your money. The alternative is to spend hours and hours searching for the info across the web, and try to sort out what is correct! Is 11.99 USD worth saving many, many hours of frustration?

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Thank you for all your support! If you have questions, or ideas for future posts, contact me at admin(at)!

Enjoy your life in Basel!

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